A regular schedule of dental checkups keeps your oral health exemplary.
When is the last time you had a dental checkup? Here at the dental office of Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS, we want to help ensure you are having regular and consistent dental checkups! While some of the most important parts of oral health occur at home, including regular brushing and flossing, a regular schedule of dental checkup appointments is also required.
For the average person, you need to see a dentist for a dental checkup twice per year, around every six months. However, if you have a history of dental issues, very sensitive teeth, gum recession or other problems, we may recommend that you come see us more frequently to stay on top of your current level of oral health. We always strive to make you comfortable at a dental checkup, and many of our patients with poor oral health find that more frequent appointments help keep their challenges under control.
We do our best to help you feel comfortable at a dental checkup, starting from the moment you walk in. You will be greeted warmly by a kind receptionist and then shown to our cozy waiting room. Once you are back in the dental chair, you will find that our team of dental professionals and experts will move slowly, be very gentle in our methods, and do everything we can to help you feel at ease, comfortable and calm.
If you are in the Clemmons, North Carolina area and seeking a dentist who is calming and experienced to make your next dental checkup a pleasant one, look no further! Give us a call today to set up an appointment.