You Have Many Options with Cavity Fillings!

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At some point in your life, it is likely that you will develop at least a couple of cavities and will need fillings. While this is not the news anyone wants to hear, at the office of Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS, we make sure you are as comfortable as possible when you have to have cavity fillings. There are also many options available, and here are the pros and cons for each of them.

You Have Many Options with Cavity Fillings!

  1. White fillings– This is made of composite resin and can be made to closely match the color of your tooth. Some advantages of it are that less of your tooth may need to removed because the resin bonds and provides support to your tooth. A slight disadvantage is that it may chip after five years or so, causing a need to redo the filling.
  2. Gold– Gold can be used for a filling, but it is more expensive and may take more than one visit to complete. It does typically last for ten to fifteen years.
  3. Porcelain– Another white filling material that can closely match your tooth color, porcelain is viable option. It lasts more than fifteen years and is more resistant to staining than the white resin fillings. A disadvantage of it is that it can cost as much as gold fillings.
  4. Silver– This used to be the most common type of filling. While they can last longer than the white resin fillings, they sometimes require more of the tooth to be removed. This can cause cracks in the remaining tooth down the road as well as discoloration. It is typically the least expensive option though.

Now that you know the different options for cavity fillings, you can check what your dental insurance will cover. Be sure to get dental checkups with us at the office Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS, so we can check and see if you have any cavities that need to be filled.